osm2pgrouting (#24) - Time of the generation of the map of the Europe by means of tool osm2pgrouting (#384) - Message List

Time of the generation of the map of the Europe by means of tool osm2pgrouting

Could you tell, please, how much time should take the generation of European roads with help of tool osm2pgrouting on server Dell PowerEdge? 1850.

  • Message #1632

    This is probably not possible, because it would require too much RAM. (You could try to increase your SWAP partition to several GB, but I don't know how much it requires for Europe). But in any case it will take quite some time.

    There is another converter called osm2po, but I wasn't able to import all Europe either, which might work with newer versions.

    To be able to convert large networks, it would be probably required to modify osm2pgrouting to write to HDD temporary and not to store all in memory. Ideas, contribution or sponsorship welcome! ;-)

    • Message #1633

      Puhh. Why? osm2po should manage this. I had no problems under my old XP-Home-Box (2 Gig RAM) If there was a problem please let me know.



      • Message #1634

        Hi Carsten,

        I forgot to inform you, but when I tried to import once Europe slice by slice (because all at once wasn't possible), I still run into errors. So I made the slices, which failed to process smaller and smaller, but it seemed not to be a problem of the size, but maybe some error within the data (some parsing error?).

        I run it under Ubuntu 10.04 on a large server with plenty of RAM, so thi shouldn't be the problem. Maybe it's a problem with Linux, some characters that Linux doesn't like but Windows doesn't care about.

        I downloaded europe.osm from Cloudmade server and then run like this:

        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=0 crop=34.0,-32.0,5.0,70.0
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=1 crop=5.0,-32.0,14.0,70.0 merge=0
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=2 crop=14.0,-32.0,23.0,70.0 merge=1
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=3 crop=23.0,-32.0,32.0,70.0 merge=2
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=4 crop=32.0,-32.0,41.0,70.0 merge=3
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=5 crop=41.0,-32.0,43.0,70.0 merge=4
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=6 crop=43.0,-32.0,46.0,70.0 merge=5
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=7 crop=50.0,-32.0,55.0,70.0 merge=6
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=8 crop=59.0,-32.0,64.0,70.0 merge=7
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=9 crop=68.0,-32.0,73.0,70.0 merge=8
        java -Xmx3072M -jar osm2po-free-1.1.6-signed.jar /var/www/europe.osm prefix=eu pid=10 crop=77.0,-32.0,83.0,70.0 merge=9

        I tried other variations and it didsn't matter if you merge or not (I also merged a list).

        • Message #1635

          Hey Daniel,

          LongJohn? also told me, that there are encoding-problems with some Linux distributions. I couldn't reproduce this on my Fedora8 under Virtual PC. Nethertheless. I know I have written a lot in my PDF-Document about cropping and merging. But it is not necessary if you want to convert Europe in one piece. Newer Versions use a greedy caching technique, so if the first tile doesn't run into an OutOfMemory? the remaining tiles shouldn't step into this trap, either. Tipp: The best choice is to convert the highways only extract from Cloudmade. The only critical area is around London. But a 5x5-Buffer should work on your big box.

          Try this:

          java -Xmx2048m -jar osm2po-xxx.jar prefix=eu tileSize=5x5 path/to/europe-highways.osm

          If an OutOfMemory? occurs, try tileSize=4x5 or 4x4 or increase Xmx.

          • Message #1636

            "decrease" of course ;-)

            • Message #1638

              "decrease" of course ;-)

              Of course "increase" !!!!

              Damn!!! How can I delete nonsense comments here???

              • Message #1639

                don't worry, no need to delete ... seems like it's disabled by default. I will check.