Ticket #152 (new bug report)

Opened 20 months ago

TSP close Postgresql server connection

Reported by: j3m Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone: Version 1.1
Component: TSP Version: 1.03
Keywords: TSP Cc:


Hi, I have a problem with TSP. When I run a select like this:

SELECT * FROM tsp('select distinct source as source_id, x(startpoint(the_geom)) as x, y(startpoint(the_geom)) as y from ways where source in (345,366,364,347,348)', '345,366,364,347,348', 343);

The postgresql server closes the connection. It launchs this message: server closed the connection unexpectedly

This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request.

My street network table is derived from osm2pgrouting utility. I use an osm file from Alicante city (Spain) very completed ( http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=38.3526&lon=-0.4891&zoom=14&layers=B000FTF), with right directions and turns. The ways table has 5390 rows.

These are my steps: 1. create a database with postgis and pgrouting functionality 2. run osm2pgrouting 3. assign vertex with: SELECT assign_vertex_id('ways', 0.00001, 'the_geom', 'gid'); 4. run queries with Shortest Path Dijkstra, Shortest Path A*, Shortest Path Shooting Star, Driving Distance calculation without problems.

This are my box: - Ubuntu 8.10 - pgRouting 1.03 compiled from source with DD and TSP - Postgresql 8.3.6

My steps for compiling pgrouting:

1. Install the required libraries: libboost-graph1.35-dev libboost-graph1.35.0

2. Compile Gaul from source:

wget  http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gaul/gaul-devel-0.1849-0.tar.gz?modtime=1114163427&big_mirror=0 tar -xzf gaul-devel-0.1849-0.tar.gz cd gaul-devel-0.1849-0/ ./configure --disable-slang make sudo make install

3. Compile CGAL Download CGAL 3.3.1 source Compile instruction: sudo ./install_cgal --prefix=/usr/local --with-boost=n --BOOST_INCL_DIR /usr/local/include/boost-1_36 --BOOST_LIB_DIR /usr/local/lib --without-autofind -ni /usr/bin/g++

4. Copy libCGAL.so from /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib:

sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libCGAL.so /usr/lib/

5. Compile pgrouting cmake -DWITH_TSP=ON -DWITH_DD=ON make sudo make install

NOTE: Too much warnings on console.


ways.sql.tar.gz Download (429.5 KB) - added by j3m 20 months ago.
network sql file

Change History

Changed 20 months ago by j3m

network sql file

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